Yesterday was quite a day. I've been super busy at work and Hub's and I decided to make calzone's for dinner.
Not a super healthy dinner, but it was really good and I made the portions just right to keep it under my calories.
After I ate dinner (hubs was still at work) I sat down and took some me time for a couple of craft projects and to prep my kindergarten and pre-k sub cd's for today. (I was gone to District Band Contest.)
When hub's got home we met up with *J* and did Day 1 of Week 8, C25K. WEEK 8! This is the last "technically" week in the program! After this week we're supposed to be able to run for 30 minutes straight. I think I'm going to go in a create a couple more weeks in my custom run and keep bumping up the times each run until we get to 45 minutes. When I can run for 45 minutes, then we're going to move outside. Or that's the idea anyway. If I bump the time 5 minutes a week we can get to 45 minutes in 4 more weeks (including this last one of C25K.) That's just in time to run a 5K in the end of March! Just so happens that one of *J*'s college friends is hosting one near us in the end of March. It looks like I might be able to check off one of my resolutions soon!
That's if we can keep up with that running! Last night's run was NOT easy. Very challenging mentally. I'm going to have to really start looking into a great running playlist so I can get pumped and stop relying on the tv on the treadmill. 30 minutes by then end of this week just may kill me! I guess they say whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...
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