Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7

Almost done with week one.  I weigh in tomorrow and I worked my booty off today.  I may still get out the old wii fit and play a little on that before bed. 

Hubs and I went to the Y and did 30 min on the bikes and did some weight lifting.  I did 6.58 miles in 30 minutes and burned 208 calories on the bike today!  I was super happy with my stats on that!  I had to lay off the leg workout with the weights because my right knee has been bothering me for a couple days so I only did 20 min on the weights tonight.  My hope is that I am able to tone as I lose so I won't have so many problems with excess skin when I start dropping pounds.

I had an ok food day today.  We had a big dinner and I had a sandwich and some chips for lunch.  I also had a half a tuna fish sandwich right before we went to work out.  We stopped by Walmart on our way home from the Y to get more water and some more fiber bars for snacks and ended up getting some Activia and some other yogurts.  I haven't LIKED yogurt since I was a kid.  I remember eating it a lot when I was in 5th grade and lived with my mom but I've never been able to get back into it.  I tried the light stuff about a year ago and couldn't eat it because it tasted like aspartame (the stuff they put in diet soda) and I CAN'T STAND THAT TASTE!  YUCK!  So we went with the full calorie stuff.  I'm hoping it will be a good snack type food.  If I can get myself to like it I may even start supplementing it in my lunches instead of chips.  I'm trying to make healthier decisions but I'm SOOOOO PICKY.

I'm hoping tomorrow when I weigh in if I haven't lost pounds I've at least lost in the inches department.  I know I have to stick with it no matter what but I need a little positive reinforcement.  Tomorrow is also Week 2, Day 2 of C25K so that's something to look forward to at least.

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